
Personal Blog!

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Well the ones in energy are a bit odd again today pulling on things from below and grappling into my flesh. I pray mine leave and stay to space and subject school they have great words to live by poems to allow parts to clean and stay clean as well away from these who played in energy and now molest me and the area. The JilelPhuyrez Yaws have physics which as school would include letter set and logic work for history and form of the God being most unities right up to the flood. As well form for government fitness in management so they can clean and stay above with sane personality with form for the heavenly being the basic morning and evening time piece blessed Venus and sun as well when set Mercury more toward Nebo days.
These playing on me and the area are odd and stress in regards to private matters and personal matters as far as sex and mature audience...basic of common prayer and posture. They don't seem to have any respect for the heavens, they profane wipe and the duty to a year and maturing.
I pray mine stay to space keep part fit to gather ours away not that there should be many now out there is where pure is. No reason for them to stay while I am worked over by a bunch of country backwoods bully Mongol Americans. With the Vaupray system in space, these are pure profane to living and Life and females for certain. They profane word by talking all the time invading the radio and tv signals and then adulterating using excuse I suppose of one fool over another still from the days of trample by such ones and then plopping. So there really is no use for them to stay and give up on sane mentalities and posture more kind to natural.
With they Vaupray and the other parts staying department and school you have room with the heart letter to form group a senate even view subject review subject and study for horizon. The “A” and “P” of next around enforce don't forsake the path and length with the “A” stressing lawful for stable and posture. Not just of them but room to consider others and the divine being most certain. It all says go get fit away then speak then act on behalf or observe and then make an accurate account for basic sum and total or for greater observation. The “Aupra” which helps hold earth school n seasons and April. The “R” within a seal meaning beyond and horizon important so fitness is implied. Of which a steady healing realm for Angelic parts after facing an abusing bunch of bully Mongol Americans.
So I pray they go and stay sane above the ones playing on me are to ill and have continued on such a destructive path I am fine have important matters secured go hold them dear and allow what we left in space they who are staying with it to manage and don't upset their purity...to much on the mortal plain already does.
The way these play on Mouth while making creatures that don't leave alone and go on to above is absolutely insane many prayers by me have been offered. They play on private voices and amass oddly about the mortal plane, under around and pinching onto mortals. They have no respect for the mortal being and the houses that the word comes from and stands for as far as holy guidance in concerned of which after that includes their own with Government and group matters as most important towards such ends to be in fellowship and of grace with the main being at a ritually and ceremonial time. Even after proper works have been set out as well what the detrimental factors are as far as proper to being. In stead they have forced a void around me rather than being responsible and defile into my flesh with some giant demon energy creature giant mouth and all. Mine are to escape such ill and deliberate evil and get to above remembering it isn't really the mortals fault. Even for “V” the shout and prayers advice sincere have been offered, which helps assure my own listen and get to study above away from ones in energy defiling about mortals and the planet.
The years these profaned Layer and all three layers of growing and maturing to the three important heavenly houses above is hideous. If your that un-intelligent even when your mortal part is saying basic prayer and basics should always be upheld, it is time as I did to say goodbye keep praying allow one's own special works and be thankful they left and tend them proper. They did it deliberate and kept doing so flopping over on a part trespassing and doing for an insane stoop, they profaned loop with basket balls and copy of mortals sporting goods as well then tried to stick in in a demon television as a plasma. They profane the Walk which is start of Angels bets time above at Jupiter and Mars with Neptune at study for sane unity toward the God being to be carried on with after Jupiter pass it's atonement gate.
The Yaw's don't have to put up with such waste and profane-ness to reality, they not a one were to exploit elder parts and then taunt and defile with a rough part trying to find equilibrium of which was set out by be and bounds set so it didn't upset the other parts. Only a fool one should leave to responsible posture exists after that and leave to above and study mine are supposed too. So when the planet by the slobs way Jupiter falls into action these won't be apart they will have been fooling around under and about mankind me and the area doing mockery of Live, Life and being all while earnest prayer and works have been tended too. The Moron with his Catholic shit raping and defiling from below against all holy ways even of his ancestors before him part of the true reason everyone in America gets screwed, there is no reason to stay and I pray mine don't. I'm glad I left and pray as I do the morons with their alter ego and conscious crap defiling and maiming all on mid-evil thinking and ungodly ways happens to be Christian yet betraying basic realities of being constantly.
The morons defiling me with caucus parts of dead priest who baptized me have all been turned in so the Babylonian Jews know as well the evil bunch with a Cox air plane motor with parting line they have with demon energy scribe-d and then forced under and into the area. They know my prayers and proper ways if such ones want to keep defiling it is none of the Yaw's business they are to leave and stay free of such bastards and stay to study above...there is no way Iraq would or could pass a blessing on what these are doing and have done for an extended amount of time giant eye' or any other giant mortal feature included. I am sure they don't need such a bunch who in part play with mortals excrement hole so profusely or any other mortal Orpheus's for that matter.

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