
2/7/19 The Basics With Pastor Beth

Category: /General/
Thanks, Lord, for helping TBN to overcome the technical difficulties due to interference after seven days.
I really don't need cable TV to hear Your Word and I really don't need cable TV to be happy or at peace.
You are about to speak to me through Pastor Beth via the Basics and I need to continue with those classes so that I can volunteer with You all online.
Happy Belated 60th birthday to Pastor Beth, Your servant.
We need grace to keep up with the pace and You are rich in grace.
You, Lord, are Grace Personified.
You have more than enough grace, Master.
I have been searching for an outlet and You have given me the gift of writing.
You have given me the gift of creativity.
Psalm 4:1
Enlargement is not always an easy process.
Enlarge is a synonym for augment, a vocabulary word on the SAT list.
Isaiah says that I need to enlarge the place of my tent.
I need to be stretched.
Many people are in debt.
I am saturated.
I am in the process of being enlarged.
You are stretching me.
2 Samuel 22:37
You are not only enlarging me but You are enlarging those around me.
1 Chronicles 4:10
You have blessed Jabez indeed and You have enlarged his territory.
You answered his prayer.
I need to keep the phone charged.
You are gently leading those with young.
Isaiah 40:31
I need to wait upon You.
Psalm 119
Psalm 11:3
Amen, thank You.

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