
Swachh Bharat

Category: /General/
"Stepping out of the door
The area so clean;
Blinking light on the rags
That's seen —
Ignoring ...

Fangs dripping, grot creeping,
Noise pollution of plastic evil licking
Earlobe and snapping at heels
On the road! "

This was once
An oft- quoted tenet
Of we Indians.
Until we were told to
Imagine all the people
Living lave life and
All air green, for all alive!
None ;(less) dumping their "house";

Dustbin exists to care
Became the "abhayan's" sound.
Our eyes are uncovered;
Our country is now on round.
But still it isn't complete,
Swachh Bharat is still a dream...

I dream for the day
I'm looking at my country ,
I don't want it to be a dream ,
I dream not only to dream
But to make everyone see...

The dirt shall fail,
The aroma prevail,
With hygiene of country
that shall be.

Let the Cleanliness win, let the sea sing,
Let us all decide to become
A master in cleaning .
Let the smell not stink,
Let our country roar ,
For "swachh Bharat" let's do


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