
Poem yourself please.

Category: /Poems/

Poem yourself please.

Believe that a new poetry,
May be part of your day to day.
Believe that Love, can innovate to everything.
That the world needs more poetry.
With joy, I offer the world Vinícius Menezes, Patícia Lopes Domingos, Marina Lima, and many others, colleagues, alumni, people I have known in life.
Put me at last, and let go of the uncertainties, the chemical or biological weapons, disarm yourself of the pains, displeasures, and enmities.
Put me at ease,
Renew your heart with flowers,
With dance like Matheus Barbosa, Alexia Cristina G Castro, Esmeralda Penha, Ana Paula Loureiro, Angela Dizioli, and others, great dancers like Tayara Andrade, ...
Renew with life, with joy, with health.
Poem himself with humanity, even being a bold boss, even being an energetic boss.
Poeme itself to hear the child, listening to the old man.
Poem yourself only by reading ....
Poem itself in writing and dreaming.
Teka Castro,
Writer, teacher in chemistry, spiritualist and environmentalist.
São Paulo, February 16, 2019.
It is still summer time, which ends today in São Paulo and other regions of Brazil.
1:46 a.m.
Peace and good. Cloudy day.
Wonderful Saturday, blessed by God. Amen. And, remember to poem me instead of irritating, it does well for soul, heart and friendship building.

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