10/13/18 Pastor Skip's Connection
Category: /General/
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Acts 2:22-32Thank You, God, for the confirmation.
This is a message filled with hope.
You conquered death via resurrection.
I need to follow You and I need to deny myself.
Peter did not expect you to die on the Cross.
You are the Main Subject of the Message.
You are God in human flesh and You are the Predicted Messiah who fulfilled all prophecy.
You are who You are.
You are God Almighty in human form.
John 14
John 10
You are More Important than the miracles.
The power of the Holy Spirit uniquely operated in You.
The Greatest Miracle You can do, Lord, is saving someone.
Your death is meaningful.
The Holy Spirit ordained Your death so that we might be saved.
You died for us.
The Holy Spirit predetermined Your death.
Your death was a divine strategy.
Revelation 13
Your death was voluntary.
You chose to die for us.
You have the Power to lay down Your life and take it back up again.
You died as a substitution for us.
Your death was Substitutionary.
Your death was necessary.
Romans 5
Reconciliation means bringing together.
Your death was a victory because You didn't stay dead.
Your resurrection conquered death.
Acts 2:24-32 speak of Your resurrection.
Peter quoted Psalm 16.
Without You, I am hopeless.
1 Corinthians 15
Amen, thank You.
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