11/20/18 Pastor Osteen's The Valley of Blessing
Category: /General/
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It's easy to get discouraged in the valley.You are preparing the table before my enemies.
You have me in the palm of Your hands.
You are good and Your mercy endures forever.
You have the final say.
There is a blessing in every valley.
Psalm 23
In Proverbs, You confirm that You are ordering our steps.
Your ways are not my ways.
Your plans are bigger and better than my plans.
You have led me to this site.
Through this site, You can lift people up and You can build connections as well as restore relationships.
Restoration is making something better than it was before.
I will be prepared fifteen years from now for the offspring You have in store for me.
The lessons You are teaching me are for the next generation, those who come after me.
You know what You are doing.
Every valley has a blessing.
1 Kings 20
You are a very present help in times of trouble.
Psalm 84
You don't waste anything.
At age thirty-seven, King David received his third and final anointing.
This is the Valley of Creativity and Encouragement.
Amen, thank You.
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