Category: /General/
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She held back by inhibitions of the heart
Lost amongst a blizzard of cherry blossoms
Windswept rains of Spring start
Swirling dervishes
Angelic stars traverse in imagination
Drop back of smokey black
Beyond the pale of human comprehension
Lovers remorse saturate the mind
Dormancy of life I now find
Light years away withered inside
Like the offering of plumeria petals cast into ritual tide
Suspended.. floating in nuance of watery facets
Dispersed in gratitude of tearful droplets
Emanates from misty eyes
Emotions pour from syrupy faucets
Rich ladels of maple sun and blue makai
The arc of lemon yellow chases the horizon
Seeds of creation begin new life
Blind direction in perfect vision
Cresting waves in whitewashed porcelain
Fatefully rooted upon fertility of the gods
Aloha spirit of connection
Flower petals disseminate
Tidal moon forces beyond control
Divinity of command of nature and rule
Seek out new landscape of machinations
Carried by depths of oceans
Gravity of earth, sun and constellation
May mystic souls unite again to plant the seedlings
In her garden of Plumeria offering
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