Category: /General/
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Stars of Orion in my night sky pour like raindrops of passion in magical aloha.
Felt like mist rising off crashing waves pounding my heart.
Withering sun drenched sands cast lasting glows beyond my vision.
Tides recede into the vastness of soul in a yearning of cherished wisdom and serenity.
Enchantment reign within a nurturing blossom of Naupaka anchored to fertile soils of rich red.
Seduced in waves of caressing intimate kisses her heart meanders the path to grasp my hand.
A moment in our stars to touch the flesh of a soulmate.
A crossing of our bridge of destiny and desire.
A taste of your teardrops to my lips builds within.
A humble gent to grace your serenity of aloha.
Starships sail our treasure beyond the surly bonds of earth to journey the galaxy.
A nexus of manifestations of dream and reality.
A velocity of shared souls between us builds in intensifying moonlight of aloha.
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