10/19 Pastor Osteen's Commanded to Be Blessed
Category: /General/
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May You command Your blessings to be on Your Church in the name of Jesus Christ.You are a Supernatural God.
I am asking that You have favor on Your Church in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
I am working under You towards justice and peace.
Numbers 22
May the scales be balanced among Your family members in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Son of Man.
May there be vindication among Your people who get the short end of the stick in the name of Christ, who is God in the flesh.
May You encourage those who encourage me in the name of Jesus, who is God in human form.
I can speak the blessing.
The blessing always overrides the curse.
You are commanding things even right now.
I need to obey and I need to help others.
I need to go after You, God.
You are doing a new thing.
You are not limited by my limitations.
You caused Ruth to find favor with Boaz.
I didn't see this coming.
Amen, thank You.
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