10/21/18 The Basics With Pastor Beth
Category: /General/
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Thank You, God, for speaking to me in a variety of ways.My prayer is that I can give to your ministry in the name of Jesus Christ.
I want to give without exposing anyone.
Thank You, Lord, for Your covering and I really hope I can volunteer at the library in Argyle under the authority of the leader of Your Classroom, LLC.
The library has a variety of resources that will help the children, teens and learners of all ages.
The library has supplementary books to the lessons, a computer, printer and copier machine.
You are Lord!
You are the Provider of these and all resources.
There are facts, faith and feelings.
Facts are timeless and feelings are the results of faith.
Facts don't change and feelings do change.
I can learn how to draw a train.
Feelings are the caboose.
Feelings are a bonus.
I need to put my faith in Your Word.
1 John 5:11-15
John 17:3
I am Yours.
Revelation 3:20
You are in me and You are with me.
John 1:12
2 Corinthians 5:17
Romans 8:16
In my head, I have doubts.
In my heart, though, You bear witness.
Hebrews 13:5
Satan is sly and cunning.
You are Good and You love me.
You are helping me live out what You have taught me.
You said that You would never leave or forsake me.
I can write the testimony.
During my life before Christ, I felt restricted and overpotected.
Christ used a college friend's email almost fourteen years ago.
I no longer feel restricted or overpotected. I can follow rules without feeling restricted.
I still want independence from mom yet I can accept motherly support without feeling smothered.
May God use my past in order to help others who want independence from their parents in the name of Jesus Christ.
With Your help and encouragement, we can still put into practice the things You all have taught us.
Amen, thank You.
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