11/23/18 Intend with Pastor Allen Jackson
Category: /General/
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I want to serve You through helping others.Service means greatness in Your Kingdom.
The life You have given me is significant.
Service is the pathway to greatness in Your Kingdom.
Matthew 23:11
The greatest among me will be a servant.
I want to be a servant, not a leader.
I need to humble myself and serve You through helping others.
I can worship and glorify You through helping people.
Luke 9:46-48 NASB
Whoever receives a child in Your name receives You.
Whoever receives a child receives You and the One who has sent You.
We need to treat Your children with dignity.
Luke 22:24-27 (NASB)
I don't want to be a teacher and I don't want to be an administrator.
I don't want to be a pastor and I don't want to be any other leader.
I want to be a servant instead of a leader.
You have come back to life and You are seated at the right hand of the Father while interceding for Your Church, which is us.
Praise and worship are forms of prayer.
Hebrews 2:10-18
You have suffered and everyone suffers.
Because You suffered, You understand the suffering of Your Church.
You destroyed the power of Satan by yielding to the Father even to the point of death.
Temptation is a form of suffering and You are able to help us because You Yourself have been tempted.
My temptation is to run away.
I want to do what You want instead of what I want.
Hebrews 5:7-8
I need to submit to You and Your purposes.
My purpose is to serve and I can serve You through helping others.
Hebrews 12 and 1 Peter 5:8
Suffering is discipline and You discipline those You love.
Whenever I am tempted by Satan, that's a form of discipline because You are helping me to share in Your holiness.
After I am tempted by Satan, You will not only help me but You will also restore me.
There are challenges in life and I should not give up.
I need to humble myself and do Your Will, not mine.
I would rather have Your Way and do Your Will instead of my own.
I need to humble myself and serve You.
I can serve You through helping people.
I don't need and I don't want more money.
I want to serve You and I want to help people.
Amen, thank You.
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