Carlos Leite Ribeiro
Category: /Tribute/
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Carlos Leite Ribeiro
January 26, 2019, a year makes your matter no longer among us, but your writings, your words, your world in CEN (Here we are), virtual anthology, are still alive, and distributed in us.
Your voice may have shut up, but your goal as a writer is not.
You are living among stars, Camões, Pessoa, and others, like my little poet Cazuza (Agenor de Araújo), you are writing in another sphere.
Carlos Leite Ribeiro, Portuguese, anthologist, love activist, today your legacy is with Iara, with Maria Beatriz and many others.
May we pray for those who have stayed here, sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren, and ask the Creator for many blessings.
Let CEN not end, and still inspire so many other writers.
Thank you, I, a small semiconductor, I grew very internationally, because you introduced me to the world virtually.
Thank you to your family, to your advisors, and to the other writers for the friendship we had, for patriotism. Although born in Brazil, I love and struggle for conditions of sustainability, harmony with the environment, and fair salaries of professionals of the Brazilian Education, so that all are valued, and win as their politicians, I have the Portuguese soul, for the beauty of being born of a couple of Portuguese immigrants, as fighters as you, my parents Francisco and Deonilde, who gave me chances of study, to enjoy in my writing.
Anyway, grateful for everything. May 26, we can pray for your family and for peace throughout the world.
Let there be more poetry, more memories, and a new story to be shared.
Peace and good.
Teka Castro
SP, January 22, 2019.
contact: Alegabema@hotmail.com
Sites: https://www.google.com/search?client=avast&q=carlos+leite+ribbon+writer+portugues and https://www.google.com/search?client=avast&q=Biografia+Cazuza
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