10/20/18 Mike's Inspiration on TBN Saturdays at 1:30pm
Category: /General/
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The artist is learning how to draw a camel.Thanks to You and another friend, I have a stuffed camel who can serve as a character for a story.
Since I can't draw him, I can take a picture of him and post him on here.
The camel that the artist is drawing can be a cousin of the stuffed camel.
In Your earlier days, camels could travel long distances without water.
We need water for the camels who must travel long distances.
The artist uses a brown colored pencil to shade the camel.
Colored pencils are not only helpful in the art class. They can also help with color coding in order to study for quizzes and tests in other classes.
The internet and the library are great resources for learning.
Camels don't need gasoline.
Camels can go fourteen days without water, which makes them the best choice of traveling especially in the desert where they live.
Camels are native to dry terrains, such as the desert.
You created the camels and You also created Mike just like you have created me.
Amen, thank You.
You are the Amen and You are the Creator of the Universe, God Almighty in human form.
You not only created the Universe but You have died for my sins.
Now, it is time for Reflections on the Daystar Channel.
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