10/8/18 Pastor Osteen's You Are A No Lack Person, 524
Category: /General/
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Psalm 34:10You didn't make any mistakes.
You want to develop new images, or pictures on the inside.
The parents never made it into the Promised Land but their children did.
We will never rise any higher than the image we have of ourselves.
Many times, we don't realize what we have.
You are for us.
You are backing us up.
You are here.
Philippians 4:13
2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Every adversity is light and temporary.
The things that we see are subject to change.
Nothing is permanent and it's never too late.
I need to break out of the box.
You own it all.
Deuteronomy 8:18
Amen, thank You.
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