

Category: /General/
( This poem forgive me is about some of the
parasites I've met in life )

All of my life I've been the same
And I'll be so till my dying day~
But one thing I'll never be
Is among the games that people play~

I look sometimes and cannot believe
That some would go to such extreme~
To have the time and state of mind
To try and destroy another's dream~

My mind simply does not go there
And for me it's so hard to understand~
But I guess that's where some are these days
With their mind games ever grand~

But mostly fooling no body but themselves
They carry upon their way~
And I sit back often and smile I do
That their lives have gone so far astray~

I remember my father telling me once
What can you say to souls like this~
I asked him well what can you say to them
He replied nothing son they live in imaginary bliss~

But at least good and thinking souls
Can see the very likes of them~
Long before they have their wicked way
And then to walk away as always once ag'en~

They always often pick on those in life
That within are already wise enough to know ~
As it seems to be a challenge to them
To simply hang in there and give the game a go~

Parasites of life I feel they are
The wasps of of society in life~
But that's the way these lost souls are
They simply feed upon others strife~

We've all met them in our travels
We'll meet them as well up the way~
But one thing we must never do
Is be the victim of the games they play ~

But if you know about them and wise to them
And protect all you are in life as you go-
They are fooling no body but themselves
Then about them you are aware of and know -

Terrence Michael Sutton
Copyright 2018

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