One Eyed Monster
Category: /General/
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Don't want me to leaveBut not fighting hard enough
For me to stay
While falling prey on vicious rumors
I've strayed back to the past
Thought you were smarter than that
Yet a poignant reminder
Of how tenuous love can be
One eyed monster
Lives and reigns
With a chokehold on intimacy.
Was it sympathy
That drew you to me?
Was it all for show
Knowing full well
That you had already
Built a defense
To prevent a spell
From being cast?
I never wanted your pity
Yet reminded you
Of the sorrow perpetrated
From a mind desiring
To be sedated by you.
Does it hit too close to home
When I say you're a drug
That keeps me hooked?
It took everything under the sun
Within his grace
Not to do anything
I'd be regretting in the last days.
To death do I part
So dramatic without apology
And while I'm keeping
Psychology students bemused
There's no amusement
When it comes to my predilection
For misdirected affection
While I vote in abstention
For the saving of my soul.
I don't need to say
Or spell out your name
To remember those intoxicatingly crazy days
When my mind was torn apart
By an idealization of you
Did you even have a clue
As to my self-destruction?
Whether we meet again
Or you remain a fixture
For future broadcast
Remains to be seen
But the present unsettled
With words forbidden
And thoughts unauthorized
Nothing left but to shut these eyes
And try to avoid envisioning you.
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