Deep As The Ocean
Category: /General/
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I'm not as strongAs I profess
I'm stalked by the past
Cause I keep seeing
A flashing sign ahead
Inside a convoluted head
Move on my friend
But my heart still possessed
By your spirit
Something amiss
When you're not in my midst
Let alone on the same wavelength.
I can't forsake us
Nor shake you
Into a frenzy
So desperate
For a succinct answer
Not shrouded in doublespeak
Just another clever psychological ploy
Designed to confound me.
Our choices based
On a past unhealed
Intellect futile to tame
A passion waiting to explode
On someone worthy
Of a frozen touch
I may be unhinged
Obsession has me in its grips
Inevitably I must wake up
Or face certain death.
Garbo has nothing on me
As I rarely leave
Cause no one out there
To believe in
Nor fascinating enough
To enliven my apathy
Like you baby.
Pale as a ghost
I've become a figment
Of a demented imagination
Yet I'm safe just as long
I can awake to a vision of you.
Losing my mind?
That's a kind assessment
But where you were florescent
Without you
I'm drab as sludge
Though I refuse to lie down
And die
Depression undeniably deep
And foolproof
Is a slow suicide
Refusing to budge
What's left
Besides the symbolic brink
Is to shake violently
Trying to excise
Your adorable face
From driving me insane.
P 5 17 24.
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