Losing Its Luster
Category: /General/
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The anger not as intenseAs yesterday
Me against them mentality defense
A losing battle
An arcane idea best
Left in the past
Not demanding humanity
To stop and
Stare in awe
Such ignorant grandstanding
I'm not that relevant
Did you get that?
If I have nothing to say
I'll rest in the silence
Perhaps to return another day.
A sense of peace overcomes me
A rarity
But not dismissing completely
The dreams more welcoming
The nightmares no longer
Holding my conscience
In captivity.
Like an iron maiden
I'm not staking a claim
For sainthood
I'm not floating on clouds
Or intoxicated with piousness
Nor drowning in despair either
Just here
Still me
But more aware.
I have no control
Over what you think
Nor will I explode
From disagreement
That only widens the gap
And if I'm discontented
With what lies inside
Is it up to them
To cure their ills?
When I don't have the guts
To fix mine?
I'm a master of excuses
But put in perspective
It's not as dire
Or depressing
As I expected
Whether you feel the same
Is a game you'll have to play
At some point.
Cause it's too easy
To sit on the fence
And bitch about
Every little thing
That doesn't pass your muster
You'll never be satisfied
As long as you refuse
To look within
Even paradise loses its luster.
P 10 22 23.
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