Fall From Grace
Category: /General/
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Don't ever lose the intensityThat made her fall for you
Take this from someone
Who painfully knows and
Still very much alone.
Never take anything for granted
Soon you'll be unconsciously
Sowing the seeds of discord
Inevitably two more victims
To that insidious disease
Of complacency
For where there's no cure
Only an empty house
A dear John note
An unmade bed
Death wish considered
Best left unsaid.
Left you in the dust
Now in her rearview mirror
Intent on reclaiming her happiness
She had forgotten
That fierce independence
She let deteriorate
By relinquishing control.
She thought you knew better
Old age doesn't always
Equate wisdom
The spark had fizzled
She felt trapped
She wanted her freedom back
A return to those halcyon days
Before her eyes met yours.
Deeply wanting a reconciliation
But don't let the guilt
Of apologetic shame
Descend into half hearted attempts
Spilling with regret
Once you get her back.
All you ever dreamed about
Was meeting your twin
One that knew you
Like the back of her hand
But the hard work
Is just one part of the plan
Now you must keep it fresh
And perform what's in your power
Or in the heart of a higher source
To keep the love strong
And immune from the
Resentful unrighteous forces
That lurk in the subconscious.
I hope you realize
Its gonna take more than beautiful words
To arrive and stay
In the heavenly beauty
You once had in spades
Until you impetuously threw it away.
If you can't cut it
Best leave before
The diminishing returns
Settle into the process of decay
Deepening the disappointment
Leading to bitterness
Cause you can't expect her
To tolerate your bare minimum
Nor rely on tried and tired manipulations
Like the barrel of a gun
To your head
She won't fall the dramatics again.
The day will come
When you'll be admonishing
For losing her
Despite the warning signs
You were freely given
But you were consigned
To be soundly defeated
By a haughty arrogance.
Such a travesty
You had greatness in your grasp
But pride provided the fall
And you're still trying to recover
From such an avoidable tragedy
While waiting in vain
For her to eventually call.
P 8 19 23.
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