Category: /General/
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The sound of her earthly spirit echoes in turbulence.
Surrounds me in a deluge of tropic thunder of mountain wilderness.
Hearts pound, falling in rains of patterned hypnosis.
Running through jungles of galactic universe.
We unravel our kinetic elements.
In altruistic journals of the souls purpose.
Nature's liturgy of wrath and mercy ever humbles humanity.
Creature's of ocean seas swimming in fate and destiny.
Teachers to inspire us in the rhythm of life's artistry.
Features of exotic tapestry infuse me in charasmatic embers of the fires of discovery.
A love burns in the stars of inspiration and romance.
We immerse our hearts in its loving paragon of elegance.
Sure as comets return to our skies of midnight opulence.
Her fragrance of Plumeria spirit dance.
In my imaginary kiss of celestial verse.
Wandering souls of dreams of sweet emotion, euphoric.
Written in the moons whisper of gold, magic.
Pulsing through hard muscles of rapture, estatic.
Feeding our wild bastion of passion, cosmic.
Reflecting in whirlpools of the soul, enigmatic.
Listening to her verse and rules of music.
Walking through tropical gardens of our eden, symbolic.
Dancing on the wings of blossoming hearts, poetic.
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