
Dreaming ..

Category: /General/

I pictured my escaping climbing up mountain high
Away from all I saw behind me slowly becoming far
Looking behind me buildings burning bombed blasted
Grounded destroyed people dying among lasting scar
I climbed over rock through tree how long it lasted

Reaching mountain pine through tall grass trough vine
Climbing lastgest rocks I saw a brightest light ahead
Thinking way more of same upon a sight I then came
A predawn sunrise lit darker distant clouds instead

Shadows gave way to pinks and peach of distant mist
A valley where none behind was to be found or seen
Gently suns pre dawn lit a place of peaceful view
No destruction of late there had dared to as if dream

Where smoke has no longer here given of it's fragrance
A brighter day from pre dawn became and having it's way
If only all suffering endlessly behind me could see
This place of open valley being only lit by coming day

I sat for as if ages watching this view still further
Swore I'd travel down where sunshine lit rivers glow
Breathing it's oxygen from breezes fresh and clean
Where wild life lived and young by fields would grow

Feeling that surely in time all might be the very same
For hopefully those I'd left among the carage below
If I could have brought all the children the mothers
Within them all new hope tomorrow aseed of life to grow

I woke finding it all a dream sometimes they come true
I hardly ever pray but silently I did this early day
Whats happening over half it seems the entire world
Might soon be passed in time better times upon display

However my thoughts went to endless regardless of who
Had died and cried and sighed with passed lost prides
Homes families children lives of uncountable souls
Dreams of futures all gone love replaced by war abides

Yet every single day nothings impossible to God they say
I feel Hell had better improve it's to be for them room
So may believe and this they all recieve only to grieve
An ending had with any grace had better be real soon

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018

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