
Drifting Apart

Category: /General/

We met and didn’t get along at first,
I don’t really know why, it just got worse.
Every day, we’d argue back and forth,
Over small things, nothing of worth.
It became a routine, our little fight,
People saw it, but it felt right.

Most of it was through texts, not face to face,
A back-and-forth that took up space.
I never knew why we acted this way,
But something felt off when we didn’t have something to say.
People around us got used to the sight,
Like it was normal, and somehow alright.

Then, we finally met for real one day,
And all the tension seemed to slip away.
It felt different seeing you there,
No more arguing, just the air we shared.
From enemies, we somehow turned to friends,
And I thought maybe this would never end.

Your voice, when I heard it, was kind and calm,
You’d sing for me when life felt wrong.
When I was down, you’d pull me back,
With just a song or a simple chat.
You became the friend I didn’t expect,
Especially when others just left.

We made some memories I’ll always hold,
Moments that felt like pure gold.
The talks, the laughter, the random fun,
I never thought those days would be done.
I wanted them to last forever,
But life got busy, and we drifted, never together.

Slowly, we started to pull away,
Caught up in work and our own day to day.
No more time for the things we used to do,
I don’t know how, but we just grew.
We became distant without even knowing,
And now it’s hard to see where we’re going.

I think about the times we shared,
And wonder if you even cared.
It’s strange how close we used to be,
And now it feels like you don’t even see me.
I wonder if we’ll ever find our way back,
Or if this is just the path we’ll track.

Sometimes I miss how things used to be,
And I wish for one more day, just you and me.
I miss the little things we had,
The laughs, the talks, both good and bad.
But maybe you’ve moved on, and that’s okay,
I just hope you’re doing fine today.

Even if we’ve gone our separate ways,
You’re still a part of my best days.
Maybe one day, we’ll cross paths again,
And it’ll be like we never had this end.
But if not, I’ll still be grateful,
For everything we had, every bit was fateful.

For now, I’ll keep the memories close,
Hold on to the times I loved the most.
Our friendship changed me, shaped who I am,
And for that, I’ll always give a damn.
I wish you well, wherever you are,
Maybe one day, we won’t feel so far.


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