Category: /General/
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Intrepid stars of bonfire shine upon the heart's imagination.
Slumbering trek across the darkness and light of reflection.
Shadows slip away into the mist of my Singaporean mystery.
Adrift in her sea of romance and destiny.
Fleeting like rainbows in the kiss of a summer rain.
Permeate the essence of her lucidity of inner waves of terrain.
Adrift in the inkwells of the heart, she makes her solemn wish.
Beckons my presence upon her dreamy wet lips.
A message in a bottle floats beyond faint horizon.
Awash in timeless sunsets our souls belong.
A purity rushing through lungs, inebriant in island allure.
Lanterns of the fireflies inspire our thoughts, languishing in poetic reservoirs.
Illuminate her vision to my wayward shore.
Walk with me, my darling, through intimate tropic gardens. Bodies sculpted from the divine, reaching to glorious heavens.
The cosmic current of love bridges our world together.
Surging tides of blue wash upon her bronze tone, breast, and shoulder.
A smile of demure Asian enchantment.
Exquisite taste of nectar and succulent contentment.
Drips like buttery vanilla from hungry lips of fullness.
Beneath the stars of magnetic inspiration and circumstance.
Passions unite us once again to embrace the pulse of love's obsession.
Creative nebulous of attraction and lucent inception.
To plant my fertile seeds in her earthly valleys of attraction.
Charm of a shy princess of adulation.
Intimate grace and spiritual compassion.
Together, we float like butterflies on the Saharan wind of a dream.
Beneath the flickering stars and shimmer of moonbeam.
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