



Category: /General/


I feel her tender strength of heart aspiring in scribes of honest testimony.
An endearing compassion of spirit to cradle humanity in generosity of love and mercy.
We share in the harmony our gifted souls of intimate journey.
Like ships adrift on the serenade of mystic sirens of our whispering sea.
Together we reflect upon purpose and divinity.
Sacred scrolls in rolling tides of resolve and universal gravity.
In shadows of the moon of solitude and sands of dexterity.
We embrace our symphony of caress in sweet musings of melody.
Enchanting our lives in crafted lyrics of humility.

Drifting mirrors of reflection attract my distant siren.
Another breath of desire and fate of emotion.
We indulge our verse of lush seduction.
Above the fragrance of Lilikoi and balmy blue ocean.
Upon October visions of soft reflection.
Songs of the rainbow of passion and worldly devotion.
Her notes dissolve into the mist of blissful sublimation.
She is the force of creation who drives my evolution.
Version 2

I feel her tender heart aspiring in scribes of honest testimony.
An endearing compassion of spirit to cradle me in warm generosity.
Harmonic, our gifted souls of intimate journey.
Our ships adrift on the serenade of mystic sirens of the whispering sea.
Together, we reflect upon purpose and divinity.
Sacred scrolls in tides echoe of resolve and lunar gravity.
In shadows of the moon of solitude and sands of dexterity.
We embrace our symphony of caress in sweet musings of melody.
Enchanting our lives in crafted lyrics of poetry.

Intimate mirrors of reflection attract my distant siren.
In deep breath of desire and fate of emotion to guide us.
Indulge our verse of serene seduction.
Above the fragrance of Lilikoi and balmy blue ocean.
Upon October visions of soft reflection.
Songs of the rainbow of passion and worldly devotion.
Divine lyrics dissolve into the mist of blissful sublimation.
She becomes my element of life and evolution.

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