Category: /General/
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My wandering soul of curiosity ever yearns for life and love.
Cast in shadows of fate and the stars of inspiration from above.
A celestial bond of elements and symphony of creation.
Fraternal eyes draped in hues of mythical imagination.
Emotional my song of blue in keys of fading attraction.
Lost without her fragrance of elucid wilderness.
Like the early morning frost of Autumn stillness.
The single beat of my pulse falls into loneliness.
Reverberating in waves of island
Walking upon the leaves of change in endless remembrance.
Droplets dance in the falling rain on the cliffs of Na Pali.
Flow into waterfalls of swirling discovery.
To irrigate the seeds of the soul in fresh identity.
Grow the spirit of Aloha in warm rising suns of poetry.
In the landscapes of the forest trees sharing an intimate solidarity.
A shared rhythm of love drifting across earth's orbancy.
A subtlety of guiding voices echo in the Mauka .
Ancestral light of vision and words of gravity.
Follow the heart in divine mastery and paths of continuity.
Her gentle smiling eyes shade the tears of fading affinity.
Disappears in the ripples of mental anquish of harsh reality.
Washed into the tides of longing serenity.
Tradewinds blow in burgeoning mystery to stir the palms of destiny.
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