Category: /General/
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We traverse the universe of our souls purpose and reason.
A blessing born in the Pleiades, in the belt of Orion.
As light flows from her distant constellation in dreams of soft impression.
We plant our seeds beneath the glow of amber moonbeam in ancient gardens.
Her wisdom transcribes, nurturing my life energy.
In theories of lunar tides and stars of astrology.
Two hearts collide in the opulence of generosity.
To share our divine essence of spirituality.
Adrift on seas of intimate discovery.
Coelescing in movement of a Mozart symphony.
Uniting our bonds of natural affinity.
In chords of rhythm and rhapsody.
In rising suns of our revolving blue planet.
Swimming in inkwells of poetry and magic.
My gypsy heart yearns in torn emotional fabric.
On mountain sky and ocean hues of azure we reminisce.
In fountains of solitude we align with the suns gentle radiance.
Guiding us into realms of creative element.
Pages unfold in the story of our first kiss.
To grace my heart in blissful waves of convergence.
She is my Indigo spirit.
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