Category: /General/
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Like a comet streaming across the hemisphere her chariot of fire rides in majestic machinations.
A passionate expression to convey the wisdom of life's journey of solace and raw tribulation.
A heart to imbue the meaning of soulful destination.
She creates the fire and spirit of adventure to a new emerging generation.
Immerse delicate fragile minds into the fertility of bold creation.
A trancendent vision to espouse the power of her feminine strength and friendly composition.
We write the story of fabled destiny and longing revelation of marital artistry.
To replant our seeds in the after calm of stormy wrath of life and incredulity.
We nurture new realms and affections upon the thirst of a lingering supple rain falling.
To unite our eternal love in subtle gardens of belonging.
Enshrined in a divine majesty of our creative vision and intoxicating wines of intimacy.
Where our breath of infatuation radiates through my veins and dominates my mortal man's flesh with infinite sensuality.
Her touch of enchanting delicacy envelopes me in eyes of lush fragrance of seduction.
Lighting the mountain landscape of earth and sky coelescing in the thickness of aromatic emotion.
We paint our true love in a masterpiece of natural sublimation.
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