


Our Protector The LORD

Category: /General/

I lift up my eyes to the hills,
From whence help comes that renders aid;
That will ease my troubles and ills,
While never being afraid.

My help comes to me from the Lord,
Who created Heaven and earth;
And who has been loved and adored,
To marvel at His priceless worth.

He will not let your foot be moved,
And will keep you not to slumber;
To understand and are behooved,
For He helps when you encumber.

Because He has kept Israel,
Neither slumbers nor will He sleep;
Protecting you from the devil,
Just like a serpent who will creep.

Because the Lord is your keeper,
Who is shading you with His hand;
Continues to be a reaper,
Harvesting evil from the land.

The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor will the moon during the night;
As you avoid what makes you stray,
Ever vigilant in His sight.

The Lord will keep you from evil,
As He is preserving your soul;
Blocking the path of the devil,
When He allows Him in control.

The Lord will keep your going out,
As well as your of coming in;
While shedding off any doubt,
Allowing new life to begin.

Copyright ©2023 Richard Newton Sherrer

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