Wandering Spirits
Category: /General/
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I'm powerlessWithout the skill
Nor authority
To direct the show
Just destined to run it
Into the ground.
But decisions need to be made
Life changing ever
Rearranging priorities
No time to delay
By pretending to be busy
A clever avoidance for
The art of precision
Foreign to the undisciplined
Never thinking it through
But one thing for certain
The curtain about to come down.
A choice to
Return to a past
Leaving behind opportunities
That never had a fighting chance to grow
Moments grabbing
She capturing my interest
Never to be called my baby
Nor wake up to her welcoming eyes
In the morning.
Impossible dream
Of rising from the ashes
Of abject divorce
Blooming into intimate love
After years of being immersed
In the flood of cynicism
Dangerously mixed
With depression
But I remain torn
Loved ones silent
With an unspoken desire.
Can I have it both ways?
I already know the answer
So I'm asking for your guidance
Where I'm not tempted
To deviate
Due to mirages
That seem so welcoming
But are in reality traps
To keep me enslaved in illusion.
But I ponder
Then ruminate
Indecisiveness stuck in inertia
Demanding an vision
Just a poor excuse
For my short attention span
Then I chastise self
For lack of faith
But a man without a plan
Is a lost nomad
Never to feel the warmth
Nor the hearth
From a happy home.
Just be patient
They implore
But it's tough
My body
In lazy repose
My mind
Unable to raze an overgrown forest
And reveal a road
Without obstacles
To your door.
I know you'll find a way
To grant me the eyes
Envisioning clarity
To cut through this confusion
Am oasis awaits
Where I shall be soon
And intend to say.
P 10 7 23.
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