An Explication on Your Poet's Journey
Category: /General/
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During the Industrial Revolution, You brought Ms. Phillis Wheatley from West Africa to North America. Moreover, You inspired her to write about her journey in this nonviolent movement. In this octave, You have used a variety of stylistic language in order to contribute to the overall effect of Your poem about her voyage from her home continent to the United States. In particular, You have utilized repetition and imagery to help us visualize this long expedition in a double quatrain. The following explication will further identify the sonic devices, including the figures of speech, that You have been using in Your works of art.For starters, You have perfect rhyme in all eight lines of verse. For example, You have "land" and "understand" in the in the first couple of rows (1-2). Second, You have "too" and "knew" in the next two subdivisions (3-4). Third, You have "eye" and "die" in linear units 5-6. Finally, You have " Cain" and "train" in the last two poetic lines (7-8).
Besides end rhyme, You have initial rhyme and this is better known as alliteration. For instance, You have "taught" and "too" in subsection two (2). In addition, You have "diabolic" and "die" in succession six (6). Moreover, You have "Christians" and "Cain" in Your seventh verse line (7). Other than these embodiments of alliterative consonance, You have exemplified Your assonance via "and" and "angelic" in Your final row of words (8).
Aside from Your AABBCCDD rhyme scheme, You have multiple tropes in Your work of art. In Your opening three poetic lines, You have personification of Your character trait of mercy and this is why You have brought Your slave from Africa to America anyway (1-3). You wanted her to get to know You and so You have revealed to her that You, too, have struggled while You were on this Earth (2-3). To illustrate this struggling, You have metaphorically compared the color of the our hearts to a "diabolical die" in Your sixth stanzaic verse (6). Likewise, You have inserted the simile "black as Cain" in Your successive line seven (7).
To summarize, You have prompted Your slave to write about her trip in which she traveled roughly 15,000 miles. To paint the picture of this mission, You have employed Your literary tools and You have summed up the adventure in 8 verse lines. In Your mercy, You have taught her about You and she was not alone in her struggles. The reason is that You have been struggling as well and You hurt whenever Your children hurt. In other words, You felt her pain and You vindicated her for all of the wrongs that she had suffered in this world.....
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