
And Most Of Us dare Talk Of Love

Category: /General/
In this as if modern age of being conned
There are truths many are taught to forget..
A few simple facts of life unfollowed of late
Much to many as if knowing human regret..

Like microsoft computer in reality they hire
More gifted hackers than any upon this earth..
Leaving many using high pressure sales for dead
All for money business everything of any worth..

Then we have the basic court laws that are written
As and attorney of law will tell any mostly for free..
There's his story there's her story and then the truth
All of which applies to every single soul even you and me..

Then along come religions all with bibles of their own
And all rewritten front to back much unread or dead..
Contradicting verse for verse in every one of them
And eye for an eye , Forgive all , many more instead..

On a planet a secret plan for over population on earth
Rid the world of the poor the ill the aged no good to any..
While the powers that be get wealthier still day by day
Most of them not paying tax not as much as a single penny..

While religion in this populated world refuses contraception
Closing minds always with fools who do as if they are slaves..
That could have lived fulfilled lives if they had open minds
To the very day just like all they fill their endless graves..

Keeping simple people thinking they the powers that be
Are all knowing but in reality giving the unknowing a crum..
By keeping them all happy with absolute lies being told
Like climate change keeping the slaves even more so dumb..

Worshiping an as if God who is all things in the slaves eyes
All things which includes life and all in space time and earth..
And here we have religions saying they know what god wants
All of a fantasy and an unproven complete state of worth..

We have politicians convincing all they are there for you
When all the while they could not really give a single damn..
Who right in front of as if intelligent eyes they sell their lies
And followed by convinced souls many a woman and man..

In a world that if was one for all and all for one everywhere
What a so beautiful planet it all could be our earthly home..
But here we are living on a planet one can't go anywhere
As where ever you go the powers that be the wealthy own..

An entire planet and world of the innocent and criminals
And the criminals as well wear white shirts as well true..
And long dresses and pointy hats all kissing statues of clay
Hypocritically convincing without them not would make it through..

We've barristers that can see a soul shoot another innocent
And in a court of law prove it never at all was the case at all..
While endless army doing all they can to save a country
All caused by religion causing wars as endless innocent fall..

The story goes on like an endless ongoing as if lifelong song
And yet so many would die to defend every single told lie..
While the only peace upon earth of any come what may worth
Comes when every one that breaths oxygen finally does die..

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2016

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