Category: /General/
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My thoughts dissolve into her whisper of love this cool Autumn evening realm.
Sounds of the crisp fallen leaves rustle in reflective spiritual windsong of my ships helm.
Melancholy thirst for a longing of travel and adventure of heart.
We sense the emotion of consciousness of rough texture torn apart.
We float amongst the melodies of new heavenly stars of rebirth and allure.
To illuminate my soul with a inner peace of solitude of passion of warm Malaysian shores.
We choreograph our footsteps and laughter into wet sandy contours.
Like the sun rays streaming across the hemisphere her chariot of fire rides in majestic machinations.
Convey the wisdom of life's journey of solace and imbue the meaning of soulful destination.
Immerse new fragile minds into the fertility of bold creation.
A trancendent vision to espouse the power of nature's strength and evolution of raw tribulation.
The elation of evocative beauty permeates the heart with a fortune of inspiration.
Catapult our fascination in new heights of discovery and enlightenment of quintessant adulation.
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