

Category: /General/


She is as gentle as the island Hibiscus in evening sunset of the dusk
Our celestial embrace reigns upon us in facets of glittery stardust
A voice of Mandarin silk lays upon my trembling flesh of longing intimacy of lust

My veins pulse in a tribal connection with her ancestral comets
Like the universe opening its garden of insatiable fruit to my lips
A sensuality laced into my destiny
Woven through time in a Laureate wreath of King's nobility
She intertwines with a passionate love of fertility

I consume her eternal fruit in mass of gravity Savoring its juice upon my palate of aristocracy
Come to my Kingdom and explore my adventures of a Queen's alluring spirit of gypsy
Cauldrons of stars set our intimate blood aflame Dancing with fires of the galaxy of our Milky Way

Surfing my waves of tidal liquidity with deft skills of smoothness and soul of compassion
I want to get lost in her eternity of oceans
In shooting comets of tales of fabled emotion

Whispering skies pour with silver ladels of moonbeams upon the thirst of her hearts devotion
Brighter than a billion stars she lights my universe of creation 🌠🌠🔥🔥😘❤❤

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