Category: /General/
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Just as love shall be true to form we find its eternal luster willowing in supple palm fronds of allure.
A fragrance of lush tapestry in shades of dappling white fabric of contour.
Softness of her breezy mist scent fill the cliff etched shores.
Wintry memory lost in a deluge of Orchid fallen nectar of shower.
Roots intertwine with ripened vines of honeysuckle and her lavish perfume of subtle power.
Commandments of sacred deity cast their spell in heart forged sandcastle towers.
Majestic seas of starlit fantasy enchant our temple of intimate truth of celestial constellation.
A lava of love pouring out of control brandishing our wilderness of intimate revolution.
Cast away nature's inhibitions and embrace the meteoric principles of cosmic collision.
Submerse our current in the afterglow of comets of robust romanticism.
Ethereal tails of melodic song of inoculation.
May the sun of harmonic passion imbue its luminant verse of wisdom upon our freedom of inspiration.
Where the earth and sky coelesce in symphony of innocent seduction.
Natural laws written in stone and sea of our eyes of stillwater reflection.
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