Category: /General/
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A wolf imbued spirit of soul searching has brought me to the edge of her swirling whirlpools of heart.
Compelled with desire to dive into its tornadic emotion from an ancestral appetite atmospheres apart.
In bonds of coelescing palates of Mother Nature's gift of intimate exotic art our rainbows arch.
We climb the stone edifices and jetties of embattled warrior spirit of devotion of self realization.
To conquer the distant seas of imprisonment of our lover's separation.
We search the eternal winds of rhythm to billow our sails of new destination.
Souls of romance seek to anchor our brethren ships beneath starry constellations.
Bathe in warm showers of our garden paradise and purity of lush copacetic visions.
We run like children through lush orchards as I inhale the fragrances of her eternal fruit of consumption.
Sounds of young laughter echo in my mind of our intimate liaisons of conversation.
A silhouette fades into shadows upon the awakening of my eyes of blue imagination.
To bring the new day of sunrise in a comfort of subtle meditation.
Howls carry my song of love on the suave brushstrokes of a desert wind of dry thirst. Searching the canyons on her river of soul calling me from deep within its raging mist.
A phase of the lunar gravity dissipates in the stillness of natural caress.
Illuminant hues of yellow and orange marmalade.
The shadows of my night forever fade.
Like waterfalls of eternity of her light of spiritual shrine cascade.
Gemini twins of the universe in spiritual crusade.
Inextricably sewn together in the fabric of life of sunsets and soothing balmy shade.
We write the fables of stormy devotion on tides of immortal tablets of our Kingdoms reign.
Enscribed upon the stone edifices... awash in floods of earthly watersheds of our domain.
A matrimony of orchestral movement surge in our blood unable to control or contain.
Intertwine with the sensuality of the touch of butterflies in the softness of Spring rain.
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