
Live: Demystifying Writing

Category: /Homage/

Live: Demystifying Writing

Words in Movement - dedicated to the lives of Editora Oficina do Livro

Movement, not only physical laws apply.
But in language, in writing.
So many ways of writing,
To decipher this movement where we take the pen,
And we move on to paper.
Or even historically,
In the discovered caves, of symbology,
Ruprestre paintings, and signs different from that of my ancestral language.
Today, then, a new cave is present,
Increasingly sophisticated machines,
And, the writing on a saved chip.
There is also the writing that we demystified from some doctors,
Who can know where the pain is,
In prescriptions or exams,
There is how to decode.
But, I don't come here to talk about the History of Writing,
That changes throughout life.
Before all times more conjugated by the great poets,
Scribes, today in an abbreviation, say quite a meaning,
Modern young people, who abbreviate everything.
A new world of discoveries.
But, writing should still be perfect for ENEM newsrooms,
Entrance exams, Course Conclusion Papers, such TCCs, or informally in a magazine or newspaper.
Everything we speak in an oral language,
Today they are demystified, kept,
And even if deleted from computers,
There are everything that made us express.
On paper, much simpler, if we offend, we make mistakes, we can tear and recycle.
Now, demystify how it all works,
In our mind, be simple,
Be it in a literary form, whatever,
Writing conveys the history of a people,
From a scientist,
And named the point of view of everything we live.
So, we learn more and more in so many lives to demystify with the words of Silvia Bruno Securato and Wilma Ruggeri.
Thanks for everything,
For this wonderful world that I love and learn more every day,
To compose more and more poetry.

Every Thursday at 7pm watch:
- just a straw presentation.
Handwritten in São Paulo, 11/22/2020, today 11/30/2020 transcribed for these 2 sites.
Téka Castro, daughter, wife, mother, writer, professor of Chemistry, environmentalist and spiritualist.

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