Category: /General/
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A humble love of your sweet essence of depth of interpretation... indelible expression.
A soulful language of fascination.
A devout introspective of innate comprehension.
A universal design and versal frequency beats inside my heart's obsequious obsession.
A possessing intimate sensuality... a stimulus of self realization.
A intuitive understanding of my poetic visions.
A insightful ability to decipher my thoughts and feelings of alluring spirit of perception.
A resonating flavor deep into my core of existentialism.
A mirror of my soul shines brightly in a courtship of loves bright reflection.
A knightly exhalation.
A literary romance sustains itself in a nobility of charming etiquette and magical idealism.
A pervasive depth of raw spiritualism.
A sensory engagement of a King's chivalry awash in starry oceans.
A inspirational and uplifting poetry of lofty vision.
A embrace of sentiment and conveyance of emotion.
A uncommon love of mysticism.
My are my everything...
My industrious inspiration of allegorical equivocation😘❤❤
May we realize a shared invocation of intimate solidarity of two beating hearts of passion.
May every facet of our creative expression interlope on plateaus of a spiritual adventurousness.
May our stars collide above in a fervent gravity of its powerful indoctrination of natural elements.
May the Love of a ubiquitous aura bless our tangential unity of emotional togetherness.
May the miracle of our marriage of souls eminate in a song of eternal Loveliness.
May the Nepalese theologians of trancendent vision reign upon us my consort of a magenta universe.
May our lustful hearts assimilate in emblematic dreams of perditiousness.
May your eyes of passion rest in a slumbering caress of my poetic verse.
May you awake to a new sunrise of seductive prowess😴🙏🌠
May my thoughts imbue a sovereignty of Love in your lavish consciousness.
May our souls bask in eternal sunsets my muse of lusciousness.
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