Category: /General/
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The impenetrable muster of the suns rays glisten upon a glass menagerie of sublimation
Billowing our sails of lush liason
The Summer of Endless Love rests in the luster of our hearts yearning adulation
A sensory deluge of lasting heatwaves of hot obsession
Veins and arteries pump in a passionate valley of lush coagulation
Like Pulsars in the night sky of crescent moonbeam radiate in her Lombardy vineyards of ripe fascination
Guided by her north star of lantern constellation
Her silhouette of shadow echoes across the vastness of my atmosphere of luminous misty haze
A harvest winery of the season to entice my palate
A seductive taste of enternamente amore
Awakens my hunger in a ubiquitous aura of subtle masterful control
Waves of artistry of devotion saturate in nativity of spirit of soul of wild animal
Searching the fathoms of ocean Swirl in a rogueness of sweet sincerity
Melting spirits into a sugary convection of Greek mythology
Across our warrior wreaths of Laurel and breath of infatuation
Like teardrops of my lover's latent mystery of eyes upon my flesh of muscle of strenuation
The oars of rhythm in seas of distant dreams of cross pollination
Souls acquiesce of consternation of worlds apart
Pulses falter in the mirrors of reflective distillation as beat of my chest departs
Life and destiny interlope in a King's quandary of crusade of lucidity
Like Renoir's impressionism in strokes of deft mastery
A finesse of scarlet hue of silken tapestry
A mirage of infinite being of intimate sensuality
Immersion of our souls in the trancendency of Autumnal Equinox
Traversing the universe of creation of love upon the ocean and tower of cliff rock
Searching for her Golden Fleece on the ship of a lone Argonaut
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