



Category: /General/



To the King Most Holy. For Mr. Sky Young.

Written in Honey Muse.





"The oldest school in Africa is not the Nupils of Alexandria in Egypt, but The Wimport School of Average Sciences developed eons ago when the last of the first blacks migrated from the then Egypt ruled by the black Rameses; borrowed from another school, the Dods begun in the days of Nimrod and Semiramis who later married her son Tammuz, long before the days of Neco or Cleopatra, when people sat under trees and learnt by counting their hair strands and toes." "Hurray!!!", the whole school hollered as Allan Poster, the Negro Principal of the Wimport Second School, spoke. "It is surely the oldest."

Wimport Second School was the best in learning and character development set and settled on Norquest Hill in Aldridon in Camadilla - the now known Africa - at latitude 7° and longitude 4°. It is known as the best school ever on planet Earth because of it's rigorous deal on the lessons: it is reputedly known for rigorous counting exercises - for instance - where students- a student for one counted the leaves of an entire tree or knew exactly the number of grains of sand or rice or beans over a period of a term comprising three (3) months, in a cup or glass of water.
"Long before the rise of the Assyrian or Chaldean Sharp Shooters, this School had been, settled on the heels of lasting, rare learning", added Allan.

By its unique situation, Wimport holds the greatest view in landscape settlement and environment unparalleled even by the present day Seven Wonders of the World: it sat on a hill by the river Agnon which descent was into major cities like Aja, Alto and Abrahmintine. On its west was the high Alamo Hills and on its south was the Nukrest of the Paul White Wild hills which students usually said "saluted the heavens", while on its north was the unforgettable expression of Nature - The Mangrin: the forest of forests full if its lush green Wild Ebony, Palms and Mahogany. There birds chirrped and students would go in once in a while though at the caution of their instructors to refresh themselves by Freshtonics - a natural cure for diverse illnesses afforded by natural sights and breezes.

Paul Clark, a neighboring school stood a mile away and was male unied, while Wimport was coed.

The subjects taught in Wimport were Counting, Love, Languages and Sciences. Counting for one was recommended a statutory part of the curriculum at all times because it made more room in the mind and created both the future and memory. The argument was based on the fact that the more you counted, the more rooms you reached and opened up to store information in your eternal mind. The mind is eternal and its component store or rooms or realms are unfinishable and can only be utilized in one's brief lifetime by exploring as much as possible of these eternal stores and adding enough, reasonable, good, just and useful information to them. The Caldona Schools Council of Camadilla strictly emphasizes that counting must always be a test for all students of all levels of the Seven years of stay in the Wimport, during when each would physically count as much numbers as possible, even into quadrillions, so as to open up mental stores and then add useful information to these, so as to access and utilize memory. So, each student from Livon 1 to 7, counted 6 billion (Livon 1), 12 billion (Livon 2), 30 billion (Livon 3), 50 billion (Livon 4), 90 billion (Livon 5), 150 billion (Livon 6) and 1 trillion ( in the Elketra or Livon 7), all at once, resting intermittently and refreshing themselves before continuing for as long as possible in a maximum period of seven days or one week in the "Less Counting" Examination mandatory for all students and without which a student would not be promoted to the next level without scoring an A+ grade of 100%.

Love was taught to show earnestness, determination, weakness and character. For instance, students were taught what it actually meant to have a taste of the test before the test and what wild passions meant, where they originated or came from and why they were part of most men, if they were part of all men and how one could be free from wild, base passions and be satisfactorily engaged in due time in the right kind if Agape or Philo or Erotic Love. One of the aspects of Philo, for instance, taught in this School was the selection periods and what friends could do to one either by assisting or marring their destinies, and who a friend was, and why no one should be completely trusted at any time.

Languages comprised Allingonitis or the study of all sounds, from the first one that raged in the universe as "the voice of God" thought to create the sun and moon and other planets and every other single sound made after then, including all Languages of all men in earth. A student of Wimport literally spoke or made statements or communicated fluently in all Languages of the world. Sciences were not Chemistry, Physics or Biology, but Spridongsi; i.e. a mixture of all art: literature and fine arts and the so-called naturals and applied.
Exprinting or extraction, refining, analysis or Catabolism and anabolism or synthesis were all taught with their various applications. If you wanted to make a person, you sent them without their devils to Wimport.



Who was Allan Poster? He was certainly the principal in Nuketime or present Livons which I attended, of the Wimport School. How come he became so popular? Allan was the third child and first male of six children (two would later be boys) of Mary and Sam Poster in Ogali, Camadilla.

The entire family migrated from Ogali to Wimporch at Lampston in Ioda still in Camadilla during the nerve wars. But Sam and Mary dedicated their lives to ensuring their kids would be schooled tripartitely - spirit, soul and body, as as they were Christ-like. Allan was educated at Nuts School Near Ogimbor here in Ioda from the late age of six, after being variously taught Allingonitis and other subjects at home for five years, "without" as they'd say "his demons." When he enrolled in Nuts, he was already a grown child but not without useful protein in the brain. Allan would do four years, against the statutory seven years of school at Nuts because he often blew or beat off the lid. Allan graduated from the School Anacumlaude or applicative, rather than Magnacumlaude, a lower level and was given a place to teach in the same school.

Allan further went for training as a teacher in Nortonquest School of Wild lots in Wildlot, Camadilla, where he learnt much of discipline and majored on Love as a course. He would then teach Love in Wimport upon transfer and ascertainment of capability by both his qualification and physical and character assessment, upon graduation from Nortonquest.

Allan formed School: He did not just only teach, which is why his colleagues and students loved and even their own children - love - him to date. It is speculated that all children of Camadilla of all time would still live Allan Poster.
"Brieopan", "miscry", "delevion" and "anatope" were all words formed by him in his lexicographical compendium which he borrowed neither from Greek or any other "tongue of silent nukes" as he often said. Was Allan then greater than the said well known Aristotle? By no means any less, for even the said Aristotle studied from Alexandria School of Nupils which was a far lesser school than the Dods of the first lands in now known but often so before now known Mesopotamia or Black Egypt, which itself came from Nimrian in North Egypt by the bound of the Mediterranean.
Allan was by all means greater than most of those borrowed hopes at other lands that projected themselves the best of time in his disdained, black, humble self.
He was married to Nita, still a teacher of Love he had met at Nortonquest and had four boys: Oro, Po, Paul and Parosh. Was Allan a great teacher? The greatest of the greatest of all the greatest that the world will ever know.



Allan taught Love at Wimport for seven (7) years during when he held certain administrative positions, being by no means prascal or competitive or jealous of any if his colleagues or contemporaries, before becoming Wimport's principal. He was first game master for Livon one. Here, his first challenge was to harmonize students and motivate them into being sports- lovers, so as to charge up their bloods at extra-curricular hours, so they'd not live dull and die soon. He ensured the fields were kept clean and all sports courts and chart arenas were sanitized and regularly re-marked by the brightest inks or superior paints as soon as they were reduced.

During the government of Wim Pal August or the Lord temp of Egalilee at Algrigon or Aldridon, Poster was nominated to run sports events for the entire veers or state. Allan was faithful by all parameters of evaluation to his minor callings, before he ever assumed the Daisy position of the principal of Wimport Second School.
His predecessor, Arangus Mattie, was a quiet Westerner that lived and led a dull life as a missionary. His major reasons were that the negro government had turned things against the rules of school and had garnered notches into their purses. "School would soon fall in Africa", he used to say.
He rode in his little old waggon Bettle of the sixties to the school with his wife and seldom spoke to black teachers. But he would often say "come on, Allan is good!", and give quite some compliment to the revered young man. His fear in dealing with the black teachers was most so holily that they as truly ascerted, had demons and could contaminate one, which is the reason Europe and America once burned of hatred for them. He also knew and thought often that the slave trade, a planned, strategic attempt to save some and de-demonize them by hard labor failed woefully as most of them now citizens of both places are still demonized. But he used to say "I see a world of completely de-demonize peoples." I believe wholeheartedly this dream of Orangus will become a reality. Orangus knew that when demons lived in people, they could become as wild as the Chaldeans of Babylon, as mean as the Ninevites of Assyria, or worst than the homosexual hellenists of Rome or even the idolatrous learner's of Greek Athens.
Orangus soon felt fed up of Africa and put up his resignation. But before he did that, he called the Aldridon school board and begged to have one favor - replace him with Allan as the next principal of Wimport.
Doubtless, there were other well able hands that had been more qualified and well skilled in education, but he insisted for the good future of education in Camadilla, Allan had to be installed.
After a long process of vetting, Alan was elected. Orangus got into his airplane with his passport and his wife and left.
On first August of the said year, Allan assumed role of the principal of Wimport. His first primary concern was environment. He ensured experts from Europe and Camadilla were paid to "tame", as he'd usually say "the environment." Devil's live a lot in dirty, dingy environment", he'd add.

After the school environment was tidied up, not by students but by experts from Europe and Camadilla, Allan moved his interest to the Nephew Orchards where most engrafted and extinct species of trees were abandoned and created more species for the garden and planted more of such and imported more exortic breeds. He believed that humans that need to learn well and assimilate, need to do that not under a hot scorching sun, but amidst plants that ventilated often and produced the best amount of oxygen per time to the environment.
Allan then moved to his office and partitioned it into forty parts, all at square tips angles: for school documents, state documents, staff documents, teacher documents, students records, sports documents, awards, foreign and latest books, home authors, etc., and finally " a spot for Allan" as he called it. Here, he kept majorly the following things: a wide table which he insisted be the height of his elbows and a chair which also was the height of his knees. He also installed the 440 prong, one of his inventions, that viewed by physical methods the entire school and its environments up to a mile away and his Bible. He also had an autobarber, which could arrest and Barb any student whose hairs were grown and bushy unaided. All he needed to do was just to invite the student to his office or have them visit. The autobarber would carefully arrest, without injuring and give such a low cut, then release them.
Allan hated to beat children. He'd holler: "when children don't have demons, you don't have to beat them", always insisting that beating was an old fashioned method used by King Solomon for his allien servants, and that in this present times, our sons and daughters (demonless) should prophesy. He would yell: "African children are always noisy because they have demons. Leave them alone for a minute and they'd be buzzing out their stream of demons-inspired noise!", he used to say. He believed in instructions given to a sanitized mind and a willing spirit. These were beyond force, because one could actually succumb to force only to become worse or Wilder if their demons are still in them. "A clean blood! A clean blood is demonless - it's all we need", he used to say.
Allan reviewed the curriculum and submitted his new curriculum to the school which was approved overwhelmingly with excitement.
Allan then depended on his two principals: deputies of administration and special duties, Mr. Mother and Mrs. Mali to run the school, alongside his heads of departments: the Love H.O.D., Mr. Freelans, the Language H.O.D., Mrs. Liqx, the Counting H.O.D., Mr. Shang and the Sciences H.O.D., Mr. Pogover and their various courses teachers.



Quite in contrast to Allan Poster was his deputy administrative principal, Mr. Mother. Mr. Mother believed in the use of force and brute beating and was the school's only known terrorist.
Mr. Mother would personally stand at the gate at 8:00 am with a large, yarny, fly-swatter type whippron to lash or bulala all late-commers. Some students for fear of him made it by scaling the fence. He just lacked what to do and was a busy body and not a well-trained teacher. He would go round the school; from class to class for each day demanding the names of Noise makers from each prefect and would as a duty flog all; from Livon 1 to even Elketra who were not supposed to be flogged. He believed in blind discipline and never mastered one truth communicated to him by Allan, that you didn't need to coarse a person into doing anything, or kill them if you wanted them to do a thing, but just get out their demons, because once you achieved this, they would become the humans they were and would just act well: demons were the reason for wrong human behavior or actions.
Mr. Mother was truly an uncautioned and untamed busy body, and Allan would not query him except verbally. This was often exhibited by his actions which usually had negative outcomes. One day, for instance, he sent eight students out to a nearby street to meet the school tailor for their uniforms which he should never had done ( the right person to have delivered the uniforms would have been the school's tailor) and on their way back, they almost got knocked by a trailer.
At another time, he gathered all students at the absence of Allan into the Missioners' tomb to tidy it up. The students later complained of finding skulls and human bones and experiencing various forms of hallucinations.
Mr. Mother also was involved in several shady behaviors and acts. He often selected the best demonized girls and gave them his hotel room number in a hotel in town where he would have intercourse with them and often threatened girls that he'd fail or expel them if they didn't submit to his wish. One day, a girl came to school with her mother and a fat tummy. She was five months pregnant. Obviously, it wasn't the days of condom, so Mr. Mother was caught redhanded. A police officer was standing by. The girl was asked by the police officer "who did it?" She pointed to Mr. Mother. The whole school gathered that day and was in an uproar that belittled a man that failed to deal with his demons. From then, he was demoted to a classroom teacher. The girl had a baby girl from him and the news spread like wild fire. But one good thing about Mr. Mother was that he taught his aspect of sciences, the Aphics or Glass theorem, well. All his students passed excellently.



The most corrupt, perhaps of all the teachers at Wimport was Mr. Ghost, the Agric teacher. Wherever he is in his grave, posterity (I think), will never forgive him, and even if it does, memory will never wipe it away, as it is a clear testament. Sometimes, I doubted, as his name suggested, what sort of personality he was.
Agriculture was one of the average science courses taught at Wimport. Its teacher who taught Livon 4 to the Elketra was Mr. Ghost. It was usually rumored around that Mr. Ghost who was married with three kids would usually take female students alone for practicals in the Mangrin, just to molest them sexually. Allan warned him and once demoted him to a Livon 1 Counting teacher and sent him back to school to study Love. He returned half-baked and would soon do something worse: he had not dealt with his demons.
On returning to the school from his erstwhile training, Mr. Ghost who wanted excess money for flexing from his salary, organized students for practicals, where he mandated that they each needed to bring 10 kilograms of millet, beans, soyabeans, corn and potatoes. He actually said they were needed for farm work, but Mr. Ghost would only take as little as a palmfull for the planting and hand the rest in bags to his clients who would ship them back to the Meros market and pay him for each bag. This way, he made chill but acidic money.
Soon, because of this, every other teacher wanted a practical tool. Even the English teacher needed oral aids which prices he inflated just to milk up the students.
The Biology teacher joined him and would ask for as much as ten (10) eggs per student. He usually used only two and returned the rest - basins of eggs - back to the Meros Market, to his client, thereby making chill, acidic money. One day, for conscience sake, the Biology teacher went back to Mr. Ghost and told him he felt what they were doing was bad and should stop it, and even threatened to report to Allan. Ghost frankly told him, if he did, he would frame him up, and he would be sacked. He was just on his own in the matter. The teacher was afraid and went back home without righting his wrong. On his way back home that day, he was involved in a ghastly motor accident and died.
News came to Allan about Ghost's activities at Wimport. Allan who was good at setting up a committee to find out the verity of such accusation did set up one for Ghost with seven teachers who were to submit their finding against Ghost within seven days. When they came up with the report that Ghost actually molested girls and advised them to abort, and demanded for excessive amounts of cereals and potatoes, Allan called him and spoke to him in his office for five hours, often advising him to change. Ghost threatened Allan and dared do the same thing the next time. When Allan saw this behavior of his, he reported to the school board about his immoral and exploitative behavior towards female and other students of Wimport. But Ghost who had senior politicians and friends fell on them for defence. He was reinstalled by an order from a politician and Allan's post was threatened, which made Allan vexed and would nearly resign. Was he actually a Ghost?



Mrs. Mali was the vice principal for special duties. A neat, fair-to-any-ends lady on her fifties, Mali towered at about 5.6 and spoke in a way which made students chuckle; as a puss. She also studied and taught Love. She never believed in the use of force and also knew that what was most important was to deal with crude people's demons - and that " force was only necessary" as she'd say " when the man beats his beyond in wildness." Mali was married to a Naval officer and had a kid.
The whole school would rage with laughter whenever Mali addressed the assembly. Students would yell from all angles "puss", "pu-ssy", "miau", but they always also loved and respected the type of lifestyle she led. The school board once gave her an award no one ever won called "The glorious lady".
Mali's duty jurisdiction rarely brought her in contact with the students as she often spoke with counsellors, tailors/seamstresses, Carpenters, masons, sports Masters/ Mistresses and other external visitors. But whenever she had time with the students, she put them through on character and would walk to any class of her choice and teach "Character" which was her major in Love. So many students who became becommables: Military captains, Generals, Pilots, Doctors, Nurses,, Professors and Enterpreneurs who sat under her influence always returned to say "thank you" and established a lifelong relationship with her which I feel benefitted her or at least those to whom she did charity.
Mali's favorite song which she taught and sang in school assemblies whenever she was free from her routine duties was West Life's "I have a dream". She often admonished that "anything [was] possible if it [was] God's shoe size for you". No doubt, she fuelled most of us students who dealt with our demons with hope for the blest and best future.



A character as Mathematics teacher was Mrs. May or the woman who would become known as "Mrs. God punish you".
May was an excellent Mathematics teacher who studied at Pueter's School of Norquest. She taught Mathematics under Counting, excellently. But she too had not dealt with her demons.
Whenever she was piffed up, she would yell "God punish you" at the student or students involved. She had not learnt the impact of words. A counter, she was only familiar with numbers and creating more rooms in the mind but not sanitizing nor filling them up with the best brand of knowledge. When Allan could no more contain with her habit of cursing, to which the students usually replied "back to sender", he advised the school board to transfer her to another school. She ended up at Paul Clarke. I don't know if she cursed the Paul Clarke boys also and received all those "back to sender".



Aphekhians was one of the Languages taught at Wimport. It is one of Earth's languages and so mandated to be taught there. Usually, apart from vocabulary, all language causes comprised phonology and Wimpology or the interpretation of air, breeze, zephyr or wind sounds. She was so vast and adept, she could tell a person's past or history, present or future just by what or how they said or said it. She had the ability also to Face spell or tell one without the aid of tribal marks or anything around where one originated from or what was on their mind by simply looking at them. She never Face-spelt wrongly. One hundred to two hundred percent of the time, she was always right; only, she got righteous. She would face spell even into the lives of one's siblings and parentage or friends or neighbors.
But Mrs. Grey would always say "I'm content teaching Aphekhians. It is so rich a language - I think it's the richest in the whole world. I have spoken hundreds of languages and used them but I've found Aphekhians alone has the tick-tack-toe!" and we'd all laugh.
While teaching, she would often correct: "you don't say 'siak' (diluted "because") but 'sia' (right "because") or 'bak' (wrong "therefore"), but 'man' ( right "therefore")": then she would make us laugh the more by adding "siak: asiak ifia? or bak: abak Ebua?"meaning "splitting firewood?" or "butchering a dog?", implying to unlearned Aphekhians' users that these versions of the same words were usually only used in such contexts ("siak" means "split" and "bak" means "butcher").
I often learnt so much from this about forty plastic black beauty. She taught us once about the power of economy. She said she had gone planting yams the previous summer and harvested such large sized yams that nearly measured two babies each, which she sold alongside her mango fruits yeild that season to pay aside her salary her kids' fees.
She always taught the law of sowing and reaping: that whatever one did always came back, only with more demons accompanying the demons of the first deed for repercussion. She was also prone to saying that some demons of ignorance are fat and huge and could mess up only the ignorant, but that little knowledge like a stone from David's sling brings them down. And that for ignorant people, "even if the letter 'A' was as large as a house, they would go into it, around it and away from it without seeing it."



Suldendon was a suburb about a mile and a half away from Norquest Hill or Norquest. Its inhabitants were mostly Morovians that came mostly from Rona as fishermen across the Agnon river. Their parents were known to be fishers and rappists who worked as slaves for annex farms at Passage. But over time, they had come to claim Aldridon and were notorious for not clearing or handling their demons. The Morovians of Rona were mostly decapitators or head hunters, played wild masquerades that either needed human sacrifice on or before or after their ritualistic commencements. They spoke to fallen spirits that possessed them and were wild and at best, ignorant.
Since most of them were not educated, they had come to settle in Suldendon and fishing was no more a lucrative business. They were mostly hungry and would become touts and Turks. People, including school students, paid them for purposes of molesting their enemies or perceived enemies. They lived and slept in tombs, drank weed concoction and smoked, and believed in superstition. Over time they had begun influencing and coming close to Wimport. Once, one of them was given the job of a Gatekeeper at Wimport and he usually stole apparatuses from laboratories for sale at odd hours. Another day, he was spotted buying bullets which he used for robbery from a student whose father was purportedly a naval officer gone unchecked.
These grown men were now Wimport's terrorists; they lived from Lenards to Lagos street and raped girls and drew catapults with stones at boys to snatch their fees from them. They always asked that they be given "something" or as they'd say, for one to "put something". The most notorious of all of them were "Papa Wicked", "Commando", "War Lord V", "Little Father", etc. These all slept at tombs and were beyond their lives in extremities. One of them was known for poisoning his father (a bewitched child) and often threatened to throw down his class prefect from lofts whenever they included his name in the list of noise makers while a student of Wimport and was later expelled. Allan's black books were irreversible dead registers. Once your name entered in there, you would be expelled and Allan expelled as many, mostly of these Morovian boys who were bewitched or acted so. These boys later founded a cult known as the cult of Suldendon which greatly influenced Wimport. They introduced the use of bizarre nicknames which they or students wrote around the school's walls. They included just to mention a few: "ALASKA NA BAD", "BOB SATAN", "AMANA CHO CHO", "QUEEN JEZEBEL", "MKPOKE, THE DRY THROAT", "LUND, THE STOOL EATER", " CHOP ROTTEN", "LAZY BELLY" "SHEETY TUMMY", etc. These students and Morovians could not copy or learn any good attributes either from good names and influences from their history or science texts or name themselves after them, but learnt the ways of the Morovians of Rona, wild men and women because of their corresponding internal unevacuated demons. When fellowships were held, some said the fellowship members were fools and were "following sheep". They cheated in examinations and payed and hired or became Turks. One day, a SULDENDON cultist was burnt dead before my eyes without any help by his accomplices for just a little argument in a gutter at Lagos street. The news was carried by the national dailies. These Suldendon cultists were usually free hangers or executionists who went about throwing tyres on, pouring gasoline on and setting labelled thieves afire.

The Suldendon influences had started spreading into the school. Students were caught trying to steal from or burgle teller machines in supermarkets along nearby streets. Wild nicknames floated about oft. One funny one given to a colleague of mine who was short and always with his science text was "BOB SCIENCE". Usually, I found: no matter how names were flung on one, if they didn't have those demons that bear those names or did those things they were accused of by those names, the names would expire. No negative nickname ever fit a clean person.



Right from the monastery of Edward, to the Curves of Ross about Elderly and Prince Rose; into Baltimore, after Equex, to the north and south Boundaries of Henshaw's town and Norquest Villa; around that notorious grave where from no where would wake wild physical bodied ghosts and take my fees, I would not see you again. You were a pleasant place. At least I must have been a coward but I touched no girls. It was my little poem on that day I was to leave Wimport. I had been sick all through from two, suffered insomnia and various other nervous threats, was not popular or at least a "sheep follower" - because the assessment scores were added if you only paid for them, I lost a whooping 30% in all my exams and was sad competing for only 70% and got a bad result. Once, two huge Suldendona boys in Livon 4, halted me, an Elketra, and demanded for money at the school gate. Since I wouldn't give, they beat me up. At another time, I and my friend Tim whose father had just bought for him a brand new calculator, were ready in desperation to share a meal of coconuts just outside the gate when the Suldendonas appeared and grabbed us both, taking Tim's new calculator and ny brand new mathematical set. I would not give in and in a bike of light grabbed both calculator and mathematical set and dashed off. I was pursued severally to no avail. They later knew I had escaped and gone for good. Now, Tim was with them, arrested. The verdict was drowning in the Agnon river. But surprisingly as Good would have it, an elderly woman who lived by the Agnon both knew them and Tim and was walking up the hilly slope while they descended. "Where are you taking Tim, she requested. "Ma, mind your business" was their reply. Then she pressed still, "I just want to know Godian, Luke and Fair where you're taking Tim?" "Ma, this boy is owing us and we have the verdict - to drown him" was their reply. " Okay, I'll pay. How much is it?" she requested. They looked at her and said "Three. notches". "Just that?", she asked. "Yes,", they said. " Okay, would you leave the boy if I payed?", she requested. "that would be fine if you did", they replied. She put her hand into her purse and took three notches and threw them at them. They took them and left Tim. All the while, I had been waiting by the school gate expecting, if at all he'd be back - Tim; often thinking if the decision I had taken to escape with both items was not his doom. And finally, up ran Tim to Norquest Hill. "I escaped death by drowning", he said. "All the rest is this story..."

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