Strangely in a world without love for Nature
Category: /Spirituality/
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Strangely in a world without love for Nature
It hurts my soul to see people murdering rivers, oceans, forests, and even the tree on the neighbor's sidewalk or mine.
It hurt my soul to see people judging animals, and finding fun in what they do.
It hurt my soul the lack of respect mentioned in bbb Brasil 2020, referring to zoophilia, hypocritical people, and the most idiotic person who watches this bullshit. (https://www.google.com/search?q=zoofilia+bbb&oq=zoofilia+bbb&aqs=chrome..69i57.7038j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8).
It hurt my soul to see so much Christian inside the churches, and ending Nature, destroying life, destroying the work of God.
It hurts in my soul the lack of stricter laws in favor of our indigenous people, whether they are Brazilian or not, but they are the sages of Forests, Woods, Rivers ... They know what to do. They do not kill for mere pleasure. (https://www.google.com/search?ei=K4A9XuyrNdTB5OUP_8u5kAM&q=Pico+do+Jaragua+e+quest%C3%A3o+ambiental+2020&oq=Pico+do+Jaragua+e+quest%C3%A3o+ambiental + 2020 & gs_l = psy-ab.12..33i160.13335.13335..16814 ... 0.2.. ...... 0 .... 1..gws-wiz ....... 0i71.tpybiAWVGCs & ved = 0ahUKEwis7fXn3r_nAhXUILkGHf9lDjIQ4dUDCAs).
I think I am a stranger to this world that no longer has love, not even for its own kind, created in divine images, when more the question of the environment, where they hurt, kill, and keep in museums, seeds, or animals already extinct by us!
Yesterday I felt like it was me, a neighbor, with the machete, cutting without mercy or mercy, I felt that each cut was in me, and then, they are still tithing the parish, I am revolted. How can we love God that is not seen, and not love the works created by Him?
I feel strange with this world without love the very nature of the soul, the killing of parents, out of greed, or children, for lack of love, in short, there are hours that I see we are experiencing the Apocalyptic Era and we are not even realizing it.
We have to rethink, reduce, reuse, recycle, think about our lives, and the lives of others.
We have to provide good news, we have to reorganize our interests in the life we are in.
And, I say more, the other day I saw a post on facebook, where a participant of a samba school, was well with feathers, feathers, and others, saying that she was with the fantasy that represented the Brazilian fauna and flora, but how, if the feathers were real, and they took some animal, sacrificing it.
I cannot accept this situation, it is worth thinking about everything, and trying to build a new world, for all of us.
Let there be a lot of reflection, a lot of attitude, and love for everything.
Change the world and improve as children of God, Allah, Jehovah, Oxala.
Let us be more united in favor of Nature.
Teka Castro.
Professor of the Discipline of Chemistry - Science that studies the Constitution of Matter and its transformations. Writer from a young age, daughter, wife, and mother.
São Paulo, February 7, 2020.
12h and 42 minutes.
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