Category: /General/
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A refraction of light from above shines down upon
Mauka of green flora and waves of blue beyond
A smile of nature's energy arching across sleepy horizon
Raindrops dancing against supple fabric of wet tone bronze
Chasing rainbows in a cool shower of an island song
Myriads of color and soulful tone
Alluring like the silhouette curves of her back against white sandstone
Arch of feminine mystique in faceted haze
Iridescent spectrum of Aloha conveys
Melts into my clouds of stormy grey
To lift my beat of heart on a new day
A mother's touch to calm the spirit of humanity
A cohesiveness of inner consciousness and natural beauty
Filters like dappled sunlight through breezy palm tree
Painting the imagination of hope and individuality
Permeating passion of sumptuous slumbering dreams
A divinity of spirit of Huna philosophy
Primary colors of the universe
Backlit with essence of vanilla sky
Evocative presence of wavelengths in her eyes
Enchanting treasures await to enrich my bride
Captivating like the warmth of summer fireflies
A hue of coral reefs glistening in saltiness
Inviting with a warmth of black pearl eyes tracing down smooth thighs
Slender skin radiates with the gentle fragrance of life
Chasing rainbows across her deep oceans of soft crescent tides
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