Category: /Poems/
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I used to write what came to mind
In a suddenly charming
I became a Chemistry teacher
And today I am part of alchemy
That my Lord gave me.
Once small verses
And, the affection for the first boyfriend,
Today each one to one side,
And, the time guidelines
"Let it be" "Let it be",
So, I live,
Perhaps there remains in me a dreamy soul,
Who once dreamed of a world of peace and beautiful riches.
Not the vintens, nor the metal wire,
Already sung in prose and verse by those of the "MPB" -
But, the pleasure of seeing the Indians occupy Terra Brasilis,
And, no longer being murdered by the children of the papa in Brasilia,
Seeing nature benefit us with beauty and charm,
Like fairies and gnomes,
Like in my other dreams.
Now everything looks gray,
Without color, without panache,
No shine, and even the colors on our flag,
They became grayish,
Marked by the blood of innocents in the cities, the hills, where I live.
Life was lost and then, I remember that I once saw prophecies that you denounced years ago, those days.
Today my restrictive friendships, friends of yesteryear remembered, but say that museums live in the past;
Maybe I'm a museum, where God has enabled me to write,
The first of love of letters and the search for the elixir of the long Life.
Maybe that's why I like magic, fantasy not only Disney, but my heart.
I once dreamed of being a mother of great doctors, but God gave me challenges, and even so, I love my ballerina, my stylist, my gamer, I love the family that constitutes.
But, I regret the old days, not having lived with my father anymore, and today I even thank you for not being here anymore, I would go crazy in the middle of this pandemic.
I once dreamed of being a teacher of Mathematics, Science, and maybe with my fantasy being a sanitary doctor, but today full of daydreams, fears, and others, I'm just an alchemist who remembers the past, thanks for the mistakes made, and today I'm here, seeing all that.
He stays here trying to imagine the future, "a ship that we still don't know how to fly", and fantasizing about my old days, or the one that the future aims for my 3 children and 4 nephews.
Today I am someone from the past who dreams, who is not a literary, but who believes that everything has nothing why, one for what, and above all of us, only God.
Where Einstein has mathematically proven, where many do not believe, but He - God - is among us.
The voice that many hear in the silence of the room, saying to repent, is God in our conscience, even if you reader do not have this belief with you.
I once dreamed, and today I reflect my silence in the cry of my thoughts handwritten.
It once made me live this Present.
Handwritten poetry in 3/4/2020.
Today transcribed for that site.
Rebra.org and Estatic.org
I offer the President of REBRA - Rede de Escritoras Brasileiras (Brazilian Writers Network) and all the birthdays of today 4/21/2020, including Ana Tourinho and Queen Elisabeth - 94 years old, and many others around the world.
Thank you all.
Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
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