Departures and arrivals.
Category: /Homage/
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Departures and arrivals.
- Music by MIlton Nascimento. Well according to this tribute poem to the friend and professor of the Discipline of Mathematics, from EE Mexico and it was an eventual one from EE Prof. Dr. Lauro Pereira Travassos, husband of friend Marluce Dutra, in memoriam.
So long for us not to hurt,
To go towards the narrow doors,
But greed speaks loudly in our hearts,
And, we chose wide doors,
Covered by flowers.
The time we put aside,
You talk to the family, children, loved one,
Today time leads to the sepulcher.
Grief is not only personal,
It’s not just someone who was a friend,
A neighbor, a loved one,
But, of ourselves.
Where's the child in you,
Who dreamed,
Who was freed and freed?
Where is the child full of hope
What did we have when we were children?
Where's that energy?
Today, everyday life forces us
To have counterparts,
We leave the families,
Children raised by cell phones,
And, the pains form in the future,
Of comings and goings,
From departures and arrivals,
And, do we really appreciate the time we have?
In memoriam Luiz Antônio Silva, Dona Idalina - neighbor, and many others who left for covid-19.
Let us seek God and try to find a cure, but now try to stay home if you are at risk.
Peace, good and health to all of us.
Professor and writer Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro.
Handwritten poetry today 06/17/2020.
Prof. Luiz passed away at home at approximately 2:30 pm.
God welcome you with open arms.
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