Speck Of Cells
Category: /General/
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Catering to the fantastical whimsWhile letting your uniqueness drown
Tending to their maniacal sins
Leaving you as a shadow of self
Physical self once whole
Now fractured into pieces
And the relief you sought
Are manmade diseases
As you try to cheat time
As the future ties you up in knots
Leaves you with what could have been
If I had only listened.
Sun glistens off the ocean of blue
Birds are free of flight
The coolest breeze off a face within
The desert valley
If this isn’t heaven
That how would you deem it?
As I reach back to remember the successes
Grabbing the Holy Grail tightly
Mind filled with philosophical questions
What is my fate?
To serve others while ignoring my own needs?
To make others happy?
While I drown in self-pitying misery?
I yearn to deepen my connection with you
As my heart continues to race madly
Yet my mind is of clarity
The soul begins to fill up
Yet if I stop asking
Surely I will be defeated
Not by the hands of humanity
But by my own.
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