Category: /Bibliographies/
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Today June 7, 2020,
I decided to change my profile here.
So long it exposed almost everything of me.
Today a new era.
Total transformation.
Thanks from Reviragita Poesia,
To Leila Miccólis, Silvia Securato, Wilson Jasa,
Maurício Savino, Roberto del Secchi, Carlos Leite (in memoriam),
And so many others, Rozélia, Izabelle, here in the corner,
Or anywhere on this Earth.
Maybe I forgot someone,
Paulo Lewinski,
And, so many people beyond.
Joyce - president of REBRA,
And, my inspirations,
My children, my mother, my husband,
My God.
I appreciate the appreciation of the Academic Center of Lisbon,
Yes, gyms that I participate with affection.
And, now almost 53 years old,
I appreciate my knowing.
And to God I come every day my writings to thank!
Teka Castro
São Paulo, June 7, 2020.
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