Good citizen
Category: /General/
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Good citizen
No matter your labor
As long as you do it for yourself and others,
And, with much love.
No matter your degree,
If you have arrogance,
And the Earth does not know the elegance of being polite.
Do say thank you
Do thank every day.
Following benign intuition
And, translate Life.
To know how to share goods,
To know how to eat what you have,
And yet, producing beyond,
You good citizen,
There's a lot of love,
It doesn't get into corruption,
No matter what your position,
Your study,
If you don't know how to open the door for your brother.
Watching New Amsterdam (https://www.foxtv.pt/series/foxlife/new-amsterdam),
I even question with cancer of tiredness, selfishness, pessimism,
Can I help you?
If it's more complex than my thinking,
Together we will make a difference,
And, remember that God gives us Consciousness to win everything,
And, that we now have how to repent and move on.
Know how to evolve in everything
To know that we are energetic clusters of the CREATOR,
And, transform the world into greater good and peace.
Remember the Laws of the Board
Remember that at the Coming of Christ,
It all came down to Love,
And whoever loves doesn't kill,
But, educate,
Who loves, does not steal,
But it divides the food.
And so, you citizen turn it into good
Your vast heart.
Handwritten poetry on 2/5/2020, SP.
Today transcribed for this site, listening to Padre Zezinho's songs, remembering my childhood, my fiance's course, my family.
Sao Paulo. May 9, 2020.
I offer to all the Mothers of Brazil and the world, especially Dona Deonilde - mama and Joaquina, my aunt, mother, godmother of Crisma.
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