Category: /General/
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Early morning yellow orb glistens upon the opal jewels of her eyes
Translucent in pristine hues across a waning illuminance of moonbeams hypnotize
Moments lost in virgin seas she sparkles with the allure of a lunar turquoise tide
Salty mist beads like dewdrops upon curves of bronze tone fantasy
Far easterly trades grace the sovereignty of island palms of tranquility
The glow of golden light bends across a pendulum of stars in mirrors of reflection
Warmth of soul and Aloha spirit of attraction
Freezes me in a desire of secret passion
Like Autumn leaves falling in a cold November rain
Pastoral visions of the season upon my glass windowpane
Permeate her lush landscape of earthen terrain
The inviting softness of fingertips reaches deep to massage my soul
To touch the essence of creativity to make my life whole
Like a breath of angelic wind songs
Swaying with the harmony of palm fronds
Musical hearts reverberate with gentile control
Like two silhouettes that always belong
Interwoven with a fabric of celestial bond
Gardens of lilies floating in serene ponds
Moving back and forth with the currents of reflecting pools of intimate charm
Our vines interlace with the embrace of loving arms
Shadows upon the drifting sands of Cameroon
Beneath African skies a rhapsody of white lace consume
Across the hemisphere of fluffy cumulus
A divinity of orchestral beauty invokes a enchanting tune
My muse of mystery of fragrant succulents
Taste of sweet honey and yellow hibiscus
Hearts swimming in a tapestry of magic runes
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