5/26/19 The Book of James
Category: /General/
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James, Your brother, wrote this letter as an expression of concern for Your persecuted followers who are no longer part of the Jerusalem church (NLT, 2765). I need to become a doer of Your Word, God (NLT, 2765). I need to put Your faith that You have given me into action (NLT, 2766). Commitment to love and to serve others is evidence of true faith (NLT, 2766). Living the faith makes a difference and I need to seek ways of putting the faith You have given me to work (NLT, 2766). In the lives of those who follow You, there are many trials and tribulations and I can overcome these adversities with the help of Your Word, which produces maturity and strong character (NLT, 2766). In James 1:5, You promise that You will give us wisdom and You will not rebuke us for asking (NLT, 2767). I need to overcome my own selfishness by showing love to others and Your wisdom can help me to control my tongue as well as my actions (NLT, 2766). I am to love and serve those around us (NLT, 2766). I need to be generous towards others (NLT, 2766). In James 1:5, You tell me to ask You when I need wisdom and You will give it to me and You won't rebuke me for asking (NLT, 2767). I can turn hardships into times of learning and we can learn perserverence in the tough times (NLT, 2767). Struggles are opportunities for growth and asking for wisdom is asking to be like Your Son, Jesus Christ (NLT, 2767). You are the Wisdom of God, Jesus Christ (NLT, 2767). In James 1:12, You promise that You bless those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward,they will receive the crown of life that You have promised to those who love You (NLT, 2768). According to James 1:14, temptation comes from my own desires, which entice and drag me away (NLT, 2768). We find true wealth by developing our spiritual life, not by developing our financial assets (NLT, 2768). You are interested in our souls, not money and possessions (NLT, 2768). Temptation comes from evil desires in me, not from You (NLT, 2768). When injustice and sin occur, I should become angry because others are being hurt (NLT, 2769). To keep myself from letting the world corrupt me, I need to commit myself to Your ethical and moral system, not the world's system (NLT, 2769). The world's system is based on money, power and pleasure (NLT, 2769). Favoritism is a sin (NLT, 2769). True faith always results in a changed life and good deeds (NLT, 2772). When the Holy Spirit purifies a heart, He gives self-control so that the person will speak words that please God (NLT, 2773). In James 5:16, You tell us to confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that we may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results (NLT, 2778). Favorite Favorite Comment Comment Share Share
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