Category: /General/
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Intrepid stars of Lagos shine upon her heart in slumbering trek across the darkness of eternity
Shadows slip away into the mist of Nigerian sea of lost romance
Fleeting Like rainbows of the summer rain
Permeate the essence of her lucidity of inner terrain
Adrift in wishing wells of the heart she makes her wish
Beckon my presence upon her dreamy kiss
A message in a bottle beyond horizons washes over her
A purity rushes through lungs inebriant in island allure
Lanterns of the fireflies to guide her thoughts in languishing reservoirs
Illuminate her vision to my wayward shore
Walk with me through intimate tropic gardens.. sculpted from the divine in glorious contours
The current of oceans bridge our world together
Surging tides of white wash upon her bronze tone breasts
A smile of enchantment
Exquisite taste of Aloha
Drip like buttery vanilla from hungry lips of fullness
Beneath the stars of Lagos
Passions unite those once again to embrace the pulse of African obsession
Create the nebulous of attraction and inception
To plant my fertile seeds in earthly attraction
Charm of a shy princess
Grace of Aloha and compassion
Together we float like butterflies on the Saharan wind of a dream
Beneath the stars of Lagos
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