State Of Grace
Category: /General/
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Freight train on the railsClosing fast
In the past I was the hunted
Now the reverse
Motivated to prove
I’m not a stereotype or label
Plucked out of the sky
Nor an alibi for why
You can’t get it together
Despite the opportunities
Knocking down your door.
A spiritual release
This state of grace
Once elusive
Now attainable
If one is willing to make a sincere effort
With the purest of intentions
And the honest confessions
That you’ll never were or be
The center of the universe.
Always remember to never
Get haughty or act superior
Others will be green with envy
Or of a lazy disposition
Will attempt to steal what you’ve earned
And they know who they are.
Never forget to be grateful
And champion the good, kind
Bathe in the compassion
Keep your antenna attuned
To whose attentions are dubious
Never forsaking the concept
That human nature will always
Get in the way of a utopia.
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